but the most important question: How do you check the Kali Linux network configuration? So configure the network and get into the network. The network should have proper IP Address, subnet mask, Default gateway, domain name server, etc. If the network card is not configured properly, then you are out of network and configuration is important for network security. Network interfaces (LAN adapter, wireless adapter, usb adapter, fast Ethernet) are responsible to connect and make communication between two or more computers in a network. Kali Linux Network Configuration for Ethernet Connection After reading this article you will able to assign IP manually and by DHCP server as well. This article about the ” Kali Linux configure network manually ” In this topic, I will cover all about the Kali Linux network configuration of LAN (Ethernet) and Wireless LAN adapter as well.

command: macof -i eth1 -d Targeted Flooding Macof can flood a switch with random MAC addresses destinated to command: macof -i eth1 -n 10 Random Flooding LAB 2: Targeted Flooding This fills in the switch’s CAM table, thus new MAC addresses can not be saved, and the switch starts to send all packets to all ports, so it starts to act as a hub, and thus we can monitor all traffic passing through it. Macof can flood a switch with random MAC addresses. n times Specify the number of packets to send. Homepage Options Syntax: macof -i interface Specify the interface to send on. While this is nice for a hacker, most networks use switches, which inherently restrict this activity. This allows that device to simply collect all the data passing through a hubbed network. However, in a hubbed network, sniffing data is very easy to accomplish by placing a network card into promiscuous mode. The data is typically rejected by all network cards, except the one it was intended for. A passive hub has no mapping, and thus broadcasts line data to every port on the device. This is the main difference between a switch and passive hub. It actively monitors (cache) the MAC address on each port, which helps it pass data only to its intended target. The reason for this is that the switch regulates the flow of data between its ports.

Macof is a member of the Dsniff suit toolset and mainly used to flood the switch on a local network with MAC addresses. MAC Flooding with MACOF & some major countermeasures