Pubg pc stats
Pubg pc stats

pubg pc stats


Our server needs a couple of minutes to connect to the API and fetch the new data, it does this on a tight schedule but its speed is based on how many players that are active.Ĭurrently one cycle to update all active players should take no longer than 3-6 minutes. Only when the last player has left the server will the stats for that match save. The API does not care for when you exited the match. The data cannot be fetched from the source at PUBG Corp until a match has ended. If the name is not exactly as in game, it won't update. You have to have the correct username/gamertag/displayname connected. The data updates based on a set of rules: PUBG Global Championship 2021: 22,973 11th: B-Tier: AOC Masters 2021: 0 1st: C-Tier: AOC Masters Tournament 2021 - Vietnam Qualifier: 600 1st: S-Tier: PUBG Continental Series 5: Asia Pacific: 41,000 17th: A-Tier: Emperor Penguin Champion Season 4: 0 5th: C-Tier: PUBG Vietnam Open. Look in the details below to find out exactly what we can offer. A smaller value in the Fire Rate means the faster firing of the weapon.

pubg pc stats

Every class of weapons is classified by damage downwardly (from the strongest to the weakest). You can find here base damage, fire rate, reload duration and availability, where you can acquire a specific weapon. All reviews are moderated by admins. This guide will give you stats of all available weapons in PUBG. Reviews can be left only by registered users. Show off your Longest kill, what your DUO rank is, how long you can survive on average per round or just plain how many kills and wins you can get in a stream session, day or season. Replace option without with any valid pubg region, this will enable stats to be collected from the specified regionpubg role: The bot will assign you a role based off your highest rank.pubg remove: Removes your PUBG name. If you are looking for Playerunknown's Battlegrounds stats to embed into your Twitch, Mixer/Lightstream, Youtube or really any streaming service out there, you've come to the right place.

Pubg pc stats